Premium Goat Chow
Our Goat Chow was developed to grow strong healthy Kids and to aid in the milk production of Lactating Does.
When we make our feed, our mission is to empower you with a resource to help you raise beautiful, healthy Goats that produce exceptional quality milk.
We begin by sourcing all of our ingredients close to home, with many of them coming directly from farms here in Stevens County. We then add all our ingredients into our grinder/mixer, meticulously preparing each batch of feed for your animals.
Why Probiotics?
Beneficial bacteria added to the diet aid digestion and nutrient absorption resulting in faster growth and better overall health. Direct fed microbials also replenish the beneficial bacteria flora, those "good bacteria" which directly compete with destructive or harmful pathogens such as Coccidia, E. coli and Salmonella spp. Excess beneficial bacteria are excreted in the manure where they help correct the balance of bacteria in the litter. -Feeding Pasture-Raised Poultry by Jeff Mattocks

16% Protein
100% Non-GMO
For lactating and developing Goats
This ration is a complete and balanced feed ration. Feed 2 pound of Goat ration per 100lb of body weight and 2 to 4 pounds of good quality hay per 100lb of body weight. Always provide plenty of fresh water.
Peas, Barley, Wheat, Oats, Canola Meal, Mineral mix, Molasses, Camelina Meal
With probiotics and yeast to naturally aid in health and proper digestion